Your business benefits
The concept of bolts with captivated washers has been around for several decades, bringing numerous advantages to assembly lines and maintenance and repair (MRO) settings in all kinds of industries. Nord-Lock takes the combi bolt concept to a whole new dimension, by incorporating the superior safety functions of our wedge locking washers. The Nord-Lock combi bolt is offered as a custom made product, where the parts are adapted to your specific applications.
上海NORD-LOCK防松垫圈螺栓连接,而不是摩擦与紧张。这是一个在全世界许多行业有成功的高品质的产品。NORD-LOCK垫圈都经过严格的测试和批准的独立机构以及认证机构。 NORD-LOCK垫圈用于众多行业,如能源,交通运输,海上作业,采掘业,建筑和桥梁建设,加工制造,造船,林业和农业,重型车辆,和军事。我们的洗衣机批准的几个行业标准,并由众多国际公司。在业务生命周期中,NORD-LOCK垫圈,提高了工作性,降低维护成本,同时显着减少停产,事故和保修索赔的风险。